Fakultet primijenjene matematike i informatike

Information about the Department

General information, media, photo gallery, ...

General information

J. J. Strossmayer University of Osijek
Department of Mathematics
Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6
HR-31000 Osijek

Deputy Head of Department for Research

Dr. Zoran Tomljanović, Associate Professor

Deputy Head of Department for Education and Students

Dr. Domagoj Matijević, Associate Professor

Phone numbers

Switchboard: +385.31.224.800
Student Administration Office: +385.31.224.804
Telefax: +385.31.224.801


E-mail addresses

Department's Office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Student Administration Office: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
IT support: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


IBAN: HR3725000091402000049

Company number: 3049779

OIB (Personal Identification Number): 78808975734

Vat ID: HR78808975734

Development strategy, mission and vision


Development Strategy of the Department of Mathematics for the period 2016-2021


Create new knowledge through internationally recognised research in the field of mathematics.

Encourage continuous high-quality staff development in the field of mathematics through teaching and research.

Apply knowledge from the field of mathematics to interdisciplinary research with the aim of creating new knowledge from other fields of science or for the purpose of economic development.

Raise the quality of mathematics and statistics courses at other institutions of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek.

Arrange lifelong learning for the purpose of application and education in the field of mathematics. 



In the Central European region, the Department of Mathematics will be a place of partnership and collaborative gatherings at the international, national and local level. Graduates from the Department of Mathematics will continue to be in high demand as they are excellent and widely educated personnel competent to deal effectively with problems within their scope. As to the general public, the Department will be recognised as a socially responsible institution in the area of its scientific, educational and professional activities.

Organisational structure


  1. Chair of Pure Mathematics and Mathematics Teaching
    Acting Head of Chair: Dr. Ivan Soldo, Associate Professor
    The Chair encompasses two research groups:

    Algebra, Analysis and Number Theory Research Group

    Head of Algebra, Analysis and Number Theory Research Group: Dr. Ivan Matić, Full Professor

    This research group has 8 employees, 7 of whom are elected to a scientific-teaching title.

    Geometry and Mathematics Teaching Research Group

    Head of Geometry and Mathematics Teaching Research Group: Dr. Ljerka Jukić Matić, Associate Professor

    This research group has 4 employees, 4 of whom are elected to a scientific-teaching title.


  2. Chair of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science
    Head of Chair: Dr. Ninoslav Truhar, Full Professor
    The Chair encompasses three research groups:

    Applied Mathematics and Optimization Research Group

    Head of Applied Mathematics and Optimization Research Group: Dr. Krešimir Burazin, Full Professor

    This research group has 13 employees, 6 of whom are elected to a scientific-teaching title.

    Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Group

    Head of Probability, Mathematical Statistics and Data Science Research Group: Dr. Mirta Benšić, Full Professor

    This research group has 6 employees, 5 of whom are elected to a scientific-teaching title.

    Computer Science and Machine Learning Research Group

    Head of Computer Science and Machine Learning Research Group: Dr. Domagoj Ševerdija, Assistant Professor

    This research group has 10 employees, 3 of whom are elected to a scientific-teaching title.


Library is an organisational unit carrying out library and information related tasks as well as tasks related to teaching, scientific research and professional needs of the Department.

Secretariat is an organisational unit whose employees perform legal, professional, administrative, financial, accounting, quality improvement and assurance related tasks, tasks related to student affairs, as well as activities within the framework of technical support at the Department.


History of the Department

Department of Mathematics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, was founded on 1 October 1999 as the first university department in the Republic of Croatia. It is organised along the lines of universities in Western Europe and North America. The core of the future Department of Mathematics formally began to form in 1993 when the Osijek Mathematical Society and the Institute of Applied Mathematics were founded, after that a regular Mathematical Colloquium was initiated, and in 1996 the scientific journal Mathematical Communications was launched.

As a result of exceptional activity of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek and the then Ministry of Science and Technology, on 4 September 2001, the Department of Mathematics was given approval for using the premises of the former military barracks "Gaj". The first stage of renovation of part of the barracks for the needs of the Department of Mathematics ended in December 2001. Since then, the Department of Mathematics has been operating at its current location, i.e., Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6. The entire building was renovated by the end of 2003. The Department of Mathematics got adequate space in which it is possible to organise and carry out both classes and all activities related to scientific research in the field of mathematics.

A newly established Department of Mathematics took over two four-year undergraduate university study programmes, one in Mathematics and Computer Science, and the other in Mathematics and Physics, granting a BSc degree in Mathematics and Computer Science, and in Mathematics and Physics, respectively, from the then Faculty of Pedagogy, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, and immediately initiated activities aimed at the development of a new engineering undergraduate university degree study programme with several fields of specialisation. By the implementation of the Bologna process in the Republic of Croatia this activity was directed towards the development of new study programmes adapted to this process. Thus, the Department of Mathematics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, got one of the first licenses for its newly established study programmes in line with the Bologna process.

In addition to all of these activities, the Department of Mathematics is engaged in the organisation of mathematics and statistics classes at other faculties of Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek, as well as in the organisation of scientific and professional work in the field of mathematics at Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek. It should be emphasised that, as of the academic year 2009/2010, long-term planning and organisation made the Department of Mathematics fully capable of carrying out all teaching activities on its own in every study programme offered.

Former heads of Department

Heads of Department of Mathematics, Josip Juraj Strossmayer University of Osijek:

Dr. Rudolf Scitovski, Full Professor

1999-2003, 2007-2013

Dr. Dragan Jukić, Full Professor


Dr. Mirta Benšić, Full Professor


Media about us


Glas Slavonije, 26. listopada 2018.
Studenti Odjela za matematiku 'rasturaju'


Glas Slavonije, 11. rujna 2018.
Najveći studentski uspjeh Odjela za matematiku: Srebro Ive Petovari potaknulo i otvaranje kolegija Natjecanja


Glas Slavonije, 30. kolovoza 2018.
Čak 350 nastavnika matematike posvećeno inovacijama u nastavi


T-Portal, 19. svibnja 2018.
Što kriju grafovi? Osječke matematičarke otkrile su nam pozadinu najgoreg terorističkog napada


Glas Slavonije, 10. travnja 2018.
Mjesta ima za 3829 studenata: povećane kvote za medicinu te matematiku i računarstvo


Osijek Software City, 6. travnja 2018.
Vodič za buduće studente: MATHOS


Televizija Slavonije i Baranje, 9. ožujka 2018.
Mathos Banking Day: Važan dan za sve koji žele karijeru u bankarskom sektoru


HRT - Radio Osijek, 9. ožujka 2018.
Mathos Banking Day


Osijek031, 6. ožujka 2018.
MathOs Banking Day


Glas Slavonije, 28. veljače 2018.
Preporučujemo studij, nakon njega ne morate napuštati Osijek


Glas Slavonije, 28. veljače 2018.
Studenti do posla dolaze i prije nego što dobiju diplomu


Telegram, 17. veljače 2018.
Nekad stvari i kod nas imaju smisla, na osječkoj Ekonomiju jučer je promociju imalo 48 studenata od kojih 43 već imaju posao
Radi se o Odjelu za matematiku Sveučilišta Josipa Jurja Strossmayera


Glas Slavonije, 19. veljače 2018.
Od 48 promoviranih magistara posao još traži samo njih pet!


Osijek031, 15. veljače 2018.
VIII. promocija magistara matematike i magistara edukacije matematike i informatike Odjela za matematiku


Glas Slavonije, 19. veljače 2018.
Prof. Sabo: Na udžbenicima ne želimo zarađivati, nego učiniti znanje dostupno svima


Glas Slavonije, 14. siječnja 2018.
Odjel za matematiku Sveučilišta u Osijeku
Idealno mjesto za stjecanje temeljnih znanja u matematici


Glas Slavonije, 14. siječnja 2018.
Osnovan Statistički seminar na sveučilišnom Odjelu za matematiku
Cilj: uspostavljanje stručne i znanstvene suradnje iz statistike


Osječka televizija, 12. prosinca 2017.
Emisija E-svijet


Glas Slavonije, 25. studenoga 2017.
Nenad Šuvak: Sve naše aktivnosti usmjerene su na popularizaciju matematike u društvu


Blog Grada Osijek cistracun.net, 7. studenoga 2017.
Nude li biro i fakulteti dovoljno nastavnika za obveznu informatiku?

Posjet Ministrice Odjelu za matematiku 22. studenoga 2017.:


Glas Slavonije, 23. studenoga 2017.
Suradnja Sveučilišta, IT industrije i Grada dobitna je formula


Televizija Slavonije i Baranje, 22. studenoga 2017.
Ministrica Divjak: "U Osijeku postoje iskoraci u kurikularnoj reformi"


Osječka televizija, 22. studenoga 2017.
DNEVNIK 22. 11. 2017.


HRT Radio Osijek, 22. studenoga 2017.
Ministrica znanosti i obrazovanja Blaženka Divjak u Osijeku


Osijek 03119. studenog 2017.: Matematičke pripreme

Osijek 0319. studenog 2017.: Otvoren pristup svim udžbenicima Odjela za matematiku


Glas Slavonije, 13. listopada 2017.
Novi suvremeni preddiplomski studij Matematika i računarstvo bit će generator novog profila mladih ljudi

Gradski radio Osijek

2. rujna 2017.: Gostovanje Marinele Pilj i Snježane Majstorović u emisiji "Gradski genijalci" na Gradskom radiju Osijek:

Osijek 03129. kolovoza 2017.: Studentice Marinela i Petra postigle iznimne rezultate na međunarodnom natjecanju iz matematike


Glas Slavonije, 10. srpnja 2015.
Među završenim studentima diplomskih studija Odjela gotovo nema nezaposlenih


Glas Slavonije, 10. srpnja 2015.
Slobodan Jelić - novi doktor računarstva na Sveučilištu u Osijeku


Glas Slavonije, 19. lipnja 2015.
Promovirani sveučilišni prvostupnici matematike


Glas Slavonije, 13. lipnja 2015.
Tribina i okrugli stol na Odjelu za matematiku
Kako s diplomom do posla u IT-u?

glas-logo2Glas Slavonije, 8. svibnja 2015.
Matematika i izborne jedinice. Rezultati analize stručnjaka Odjela za matematiku
Uređivanje izbornih jedinica treba prepustiti znanosti i struci

glas-logo2Glas Slavonije, 8. svibnja 2015.
Dr.sc. Danijel Grahovac, najmlađi doktor matematike na osječkom Sveučilištu

glas-logo2Glas Slavonije, 8. svibnja 2015.
U Osijeku gostovao znanstvenik s Max Planck instituta u Magdeburgu
Dr.sc. Xin Liang predavao o varijacijskim principima

glas-logo2Glas Slavonije, 11. travnja 2015.
Predstavljamo sveučilišne časopise
Međunarodni znanstveni časopis "Mathematical Communications"

glas-logo2Glas Slavonije, 11. travnja 2015.
Predavanje profesora statistike Dr. Andrewa Barrona sa Sveučilišta Yale na Odjelu za matematiku

glas-logo2Glas Slavonije, 11. travnja 2015.
Uspjeh studijskog smjera Odjela za matematiku Sveučilišta u Osijeku
Diplomirani studenti matematike i računarstva traženi na tržištu rada

hrt logoHRT-ova emisija Index 12. 2. 2015. posvećena problemima suradnje sveučilišta i privrede

osjeckatvVivat Academia, 8. 4. 2014
Emisija Osječke televizije o razvoju znanosti i tehnologije.


mzosPredstavljanje OML-a u Ministarstvu znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta, 15. 7. 2013.
Priopćenje za javnost Ministarstva znanosti, obrazovanja i sporta povodom predstavljanja programa i časopisa za popularizaciju znanosti na kojem je predstavljen i Osječki matematički list.

radio osijekHrvatski radio (Radio Osijek), 27. 3. 2012.
Razgovor s izv. prof. dr. sc. Kristianom Sabom o problemu ravnomjerne raspodjele broja birača po izbornim jedinicama na bazi matematičkog modela:

radio osijekHrvatski radio (Radio Osijek), 20. 1. 2012.
Razgovor s izv. prof. dr. sc. Kristianom Sabom povodom održavanja Zimske škole matematike.

hrt logoŽupanijska panorama, Hrvatska televizija, 18. 3. 2011.


hrt logoDobro jutro, Hrvatska, Hrvatska televizija, 9. 3. 2010.
Prof. dr. sc. R. Scitovski kao pročelnik Odjela gostuje u regionalnog reportaži HRT-ovog Dobro Jutro, Hrvatska.

hrt logo
Županijska panorama, Hrvatska televizija, 3. 3. 2010.
Županijska panorama emitira se iz studija diljem Hrvatske te nam donosi aktualne i zanimljive događaje i reportaže. Ovdje je njihov prilog o Odjelu za matematiku u Osijeku.

Photos from the Department

A look at the Department of Mathematics: