Fakultet primijenjene matematike i informatike


Undergraduate university study programme in mathematics (Bachelor level)

Study programme
Admission requirements

Undergraduate university study programme in mathematics and computer science (Bachelor level)

Study programme
Admission requirements

Graduate university study programme in mathematics (Master level) – Financial Mathematics and Statistics

Study programme
Admission requirements

Graduate university study programme in mathematics (Master level) – Mathematics and Computer Science 

Study programme
Admission requirements

Graduate Mathematics and Informatics Education Study Programme

Study programme
Admission requirements

Such study programme, which combines mathematical theory with IT knowledge, is exactly that what is needed in today's job market in the IT sector and I believe that there will be a growing need for such staff in the future.

CEO of IN2 Ltd. 
Ante Mandić

Given the trends in financial markets, I believe that today the staff trained pursuant to the Graduate study programme in financial mathematics and statistics (Master level) offered by the Department of Mathematics, are required in the labour market and that the need for such staff will continue to grow in the future as well. It is especially necessary to strengthen education in modern statistical methods and analysis, since decisions in the banking and broader financial sector rely thereupon. As a result of the lack of adequate staff, banks are now employing physics, mathematics and computer engineering degree holders because they possess the necessary skills and knowledge of numerical analysis.

Director of the Croatian Banking Association 
Dr. Zoran Bohaček

The study programme in mathematics provides universally applicable knowledge, which can be used in various fields, such as engineering, computing, medicine, finance, etc. We cannot deny the fact that mathematicians are involved in a wide range of jobs, such as computing centres, jobs in programming and information systems development, banks, stock exchanges, insurance companies, universities, primary and secondary schools, Ruder Bošković Institute and the institutes of mathematics and natural sciences abroad. It should also be stressed that today mathematicians are able to find adequate employment relatively quickly.

Osijek Mathematical Society