Fakultet primijenjene matematike i informatike

Library of the Department of Mathematics



Library of the Department of Mathematics started to work immediately after the Department of Mathematics was founded (on 1 October 1999). The initial holdings of the library were composed of books and journals of the Institute of Applied Mathematics and various donations (Faculty of Science - Department of Mathematics, University of Zagreb, Ms. Zlata Preka, Mr. Zlatko Tadić, Dr. Krešimir Veselić). Intensive procurement of books and journals published by significant global publishers (e.g., Springer - Verlag, Cambridge Univ. Press, American Math. Soc., SIAM, Math. Assn. of America, London Math. Soc., McGraw Hill, etc.) began shortly after the founding of the Department of Mathematics.

The library has changed location several times since its opening, and now it is located on the ground floor in the building in Trg Ljudevita Gaja 6. In addition to the library, there is also a reading room equipped with three computers used to search the library online catalogue, bibliographic and full-text databases of journals, and to access mathematical associations. The total surface area of the library and the reading room is 150m2. The library has its own database containing books and periodicals, which is accessible via the Internet. The specificity of the online catalogue of books is that, in addition to the standard bibliographic description for each book, you can also see the cover image, table of contents and foreword. The library regularly receives 270 periodicals, over 120 of which come as an exchange for our own journal Mathematical Communications.

Following the establishment of the Department of Physics and the Department of Biology (April 2005), the library of the Department of Mathematics processed library materials transferred from the Faculty of Philosophy to the aforementioned three departments.

Today the library offers its services to all of these three departments.


Borrowing library materials

Students can borrow books under the following conditions:

  • "borrowed" is stamped on the last page of a the student's record book when signing up for a library card,
  • free membership,
  • a student may not complete current academic year registration before (s)he returns all borrowed books, what is confirmed by the stamp "returned",
  • a student can borrow a maximum of 3 books, and each book must be returned within 15 days; the fine for any recalled items not returned by the due date is HRK 5 per book per day.

Journals cannot be taken out of the library. The same provision also applies to all reference materials (encyclopedias, dictionaries, manuals, etc.). It is possible to copy journal articles in the library.

Časopisi se ne mogu iznositi iz čitaonice. Ista odredba vrijedi i za referentnu građu (enciklopedije, rječnici, priručnici...). U knjižnici je moguće kopirati članke iz časopisa.


Online databases

MathSciNet is an extensive database that contains the world's mathematical literature published since 1940. It provides Web access to bibliographic data of mathematical literature. Data is supplemented and improved by the AMS - American Mathematical Society. The AMS is one of the world's most famous mathematical associations and among the major publishers of mathematical literature.

Zentralblatt Math is the world's most complete and longest running abstracting and reviewing service. It contains more than 2.8 million entries drawn from more than 3,500 journals.


Centre for online databases

Online database search - Lesson 1


 Electronic journals

Access to electronic journals is provided via computers within mathos domain (verification is done using an IP address).


Electronic books

A collection of Springer’s e-books Mathematics and Statistics (2014-2016) is available through the Department’s IP addresses. The following links list available books

Springer e-books 2014
Springer e-books 2015
Springer e-books 2016

The books are available via the link https://rd.springer.com, copy / enter the title we want from the given lists and the year of publication in the offered search engine. Access is paid for by the Department and will be permanently open.


User education

Online pretraživanje baza podataka - lekcija 1