Fakultet primijenjene matematike i informatike

Administrative staff


Antonija Ljilja Bassi

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Office: F (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-804
Head of Student Affairs Office

Vlatka Bermanec

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Office: 7 (first floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-806
Accounting Officer

Krešimir Crnković

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Office: 10 (first floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-802
Secretary of the Faculty

Lidija Radan

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Office: 10 (first floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-888
Head of Faculty Office

Marija Sabo

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Office: 7 (first floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-829
Head of Office of Quality Enhancement and Assurance

Tomislava Sudar

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Office: F (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-860
Student Affairs Assistant

Mirna Šušak Lukačević

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Office: G (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-813
Head Librarian

Dr. Petar Taler

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Office: 31 (first floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-808
Head of IT and Computer Network Office

Jan Valenta

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Office: 21 (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-830
Senior IT Officer

Snježana Varga

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Office: 7 (first floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-806
Head of Accounting Section

Katarina Varnica

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Office: 7 (first floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-831
Head of Accounting and Finance Office

Support and technical staff


Ivica Petrinec

Office: I (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-800
Head of Office for Technical and Auxiliary Affairs

Katica Popović

Office: N (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-838
Cleaning Lady

Ferdinand Urban

Workshop Manager

Bernadica Urban

Office: N (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-838
Cleaning Lady

Marija Vidaković

Office: N (ground floor)
Phone: +385-31-224-838
Cleaning Lady